2010年4月30日 星期五
書緣 / Books and Me
從小便很喜歡看書。愛書的程度甚至連遊戲都是和書有關的 - 當然,我的角色是圖書館管理員,而妹妹則要不停地借書,還書 ... 還要聽我說故事!
從此,書便成為生活的部份。雖未能擁有自己的圖書閣,但無論搬到那裹,都會找一個角落放置我的巨形書櫃。長大後一年復一年的繁忙工作跟時間的沖洗令自己改變了,對很多事物都有了不同的看法,喜好亦然。但是,當想到要作出人生中重要的決定 - 究竟應該往那方向發展?第一個念頭卻是與書本有關的工作。加上有了小孩,無時無刻都記掛着小朋友們的需要,很自然地引致書園的成立。
I have loved books since I was very little. I loved books so much that even the game I played was about books - no doubt that I would be the librarian whilst my little sister was asked to borrow books and return them over and over again .... and listen to my story-telling sessions!
Have I given a name to the reading corner? How can it possibly not having a name! As I adored my sister, I put her first name before mine and named the reading corner "Cheuk Nga Reading Corner". I was content with the name, even my mum said it was a good idea. This happened when I was about six to seven-year-old.
Books have always been part of my life. Although I have never managed to have my own library, I was able to squeeze some space for my huge book shelves all along. Growing up and having worked for so many years, I have inevitably changed, in terms of my point of view on many subjects as well as pastimes. Nonetheless, when I reached the junction where I needed to choose what to do for the rest of my life, something about books was the first idea that came up. Being a mother of two young children, I was very concerned about what the younger generation's needs are and Booklodge was formed, naturally.
Today, I am pleased to say, 'I live in my dream!'
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