2010年3月25日 星期四

Hillary's book shelf

My daughter Hillary is five. She loves books (!!) and is now an
enthusiastic reader. It is my intention to share with you the books she reads and why she loves them so much!

Princess Poppy is a character she always talks about recently. This series has quite a range of books for 3 to 9. Hillary is currently devouring the picture books which include a little letter stored in an envelope at the front page and 50 stickers for her to play with. I am keen to let her read this series as there is always a theme in the story which teaches children a value or virtue. For example, in "Get Well Soon", Princess Poppy was so concerned about her grandpa's sickness that she could not perform well in her gymnastic competition. However, she learned that it was not important at all comparing to Grandpa's health. In another story, the "Mermaid Princess", although all the girls are supposed to compete with each other for the best costume, Princess Poppy gave her tiara to a girl who got lost in the carnival. At the end, Princess Poppy won the prize because of her good deed ...

How nice it would be if Hillary could act as Princess Poppy!! I always ask her a few questions to consolidate the ideas behind the stories and Hillary seemed to get them. Well, education takes time and effort, right?


2010年3月23日 星期二


Booklodge 成立至今,我們一直在思索如何才能提供最大的優惠給客戶。




團購目錄已上載至本網站內。如欲收到精裝目錄,請把地址電郵給我們: info@booklodge.com


2010年3月18日 星期四

Group Purchase Offer

How can we give a real bargain to our customers? This is the question we had in mind for a long time.

Recently, we have been working on the Group Purchase Offer and a critically reviewed catalogue is being produced. We are so proud to announce that the catalogue should be ready by end of March.

What's more surprising to us is the discount we are really offering is even bigger than we claimed!! While we mention we are offering 40% off the market price in the catalogue, a book we are selling at $59 in the catalogue is now being sold by a major bookchain at $102!!

We can't wait to launch the project. By so doing we hope we can really promote the habit of reading to children by offering a much lower cost in buying books for the parents.

Softcopy of the catalogue will be uploaded to our website shortly. If you are interested in obtaining a hardcopy of the catalogue, please email us and leave us your address. Our email: info@booklodge.com.


2010年3月4日 星期四


Reading books to children before bedtime is what every parents must have done and treasured. Sure enough, nothing is better than winding down a long hard day by being with your little ones and reading them their favourite stories. I have this habit of reading bedtime stories to my daughter since she was born. YES, since she was born. At the time, everyone thought I was crazy and said that the baby would not have understood what I was reading. Is it that important for her to understand?

I think the time I read to her, she could feel my love through the cuddles I gave her and most importantly, she heard my voice knowing that mummy was right next to her. I started reading some very simple books to her with lots of colours and funny characters. After repeatedly reading to her every night, her interest towards books and reading have grown tremendously. And now, at 5, she would choose the books she wish I read to her before going to bed. Sometimes, she would even read together with me! Can you think of a better bedtime activity than letting your children lying in your arms listening to the stories they enjoyed?

What's more important, this habit not only nurture your parent-child relationship. By looking forward to each night's bedtime stories, your children get to love books more and more!
